It’s Funny Sometimes,

Its funny sometimes,
how the little things matter,
how we listen to gossip,
and mindless chatter

Its funny sometimes,
how we stress for no reason,
we feel down on a Sunday,
or we change with each season

Its funny sometimes,
how we can feel so alone,
wanting someone to visit,
wanting someone to phone

Its funny sometimes,
how we just need a hug,
to scootch up on the sofa,
and cuddle and snug

Its funny sometimes,
when things get us down,
always looking at the floor,
always showing a frown,

Its funny sometimes,
if we just lift our heads,
look at the world,
and smile instead

Embrace every meeting,
enjoy every talk,
sharing those special moments,
laughing together on a nice long walk.

Open our eyes,
and take in every sight,
theres no time for sadness,
its time to fight!

Its funny sometimes,
that everything is fine,
and the people who love you,
have been right here the whole time.